Sunday, July 19, 2009


 I was present in all of these stories! Arizona, cupcakes, and journal-burning. Go.

 "I'm the only conscious human in a world of sheep." Ouch, but so true to life!

 One of my all-time favorites of PinkAppleCore's photo sets.

 Em is doing this thing where you can share a secret anonymously with her. I think sometimes you need to say something and have it become part of how someone knows you, and that's what I was thinking of when I asked what you needed to get out. But there is definitely a time for anonymity too. She publishes the secrets periodically in a post with her responses to some of them.

 Sweet brilliant Maya announces a giveaway of her book of poetry, Apologies to an Apple, which I read a couple months ago and very much enjoyed. She's not the one giving it away, but she's got the details for you on her blog.

 Bethany is in England and posting some creative non-fiction in this strange striking story-chattering voice that I find terribly enchanting.


  1. That comic is my favourite. I even made it my desktop.

  2. thank you! I like that set too. It was a random day when I did that.

  3. Anonymity always makes me happy, so I shared a secret. Shh.
