Monday, August 3, 2009

From where we are now


  1. I am sitting in my FREEZING bedroom trying to work up the courage to get out of bed. I am very jealous of you at the moment.

  2. I love these- they have the exact feeling that I love so much about the beach. Especially the kids playing in the sand, the castle, the beach towel one, and the shell (is that called a lady's slipper? I think it is).

  3. Is there room for me on the yellow carpet ride?

  4. It looks amazing where you are! I almost miss the sun! =D

    Have an AMAZING TIME!!!! Although, it looks a little too late for that.

  5. Poppy - Aw, poor Kiwi. *warm vibes to the southwest*

    Anna - Your beaches are like that too? Where?

    Beth - YES.

    Bambola - Fanks! And what's this "almost" business?
