Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Things that are good that I want to keep in my life:

hardwood floors
reading in bed
quiet days at home sometimes
library books
writing letters and postcards
a cat
a rat
soy milk
tap water
homemade bread
a snack before bedtime
friends who I relate well to and who are inspiring
enough sleep
using other languages
cut flowers
fancy parties sometimes
a sponsor child
visiting friends who live far away
doing my errands by foot or by bike
taking pictures

Things I would rather do without:

strapless bras
a dishwasher
kitchen devices that can only be used for one purpose
stuff that I don't use

What about you?


  1. I would like all of those things on your 'to keep' list. Though I don't have them all at the moment.

    I would like high ceilings, sunny days, picnics with books, unspoken conversation, movies in bed, a mixture of old and new and I'll restate the visiting friends who live far away.

    I would like to remove awful drama, mixed emotions, sunburn(!)

    Bambola x

  2. Things I that want around:
    Old things
    Friends coming to visit from far away
    Curly hair
    New shoes

    Things I'd like to leave:

  3. Things that I want to keep:

    x My friends, family and boyfriend. They're all amazing and are pretty much my world!

    x Travel. DEFINITELY!

    x Writing.

    x Awesome food.

    x Laughing.

    x Kindness.

    x Music.

    x 'The Simpsons', 'Seinfeld' and 'Sex & The City'.

    Things That I'd Rather Do Without:

    x Rudeness.

    x Lack of sleep. Uuuuuuuughhhhhh.

    x Text messages from phone service providers.

  4. Things I want to keep:
    sleep, late-night IM conversations, skittles, good books, singing, hulu, youtube, jeans, stuffed animals, hugs, highlighters

    Things I'd like to get rid of:
    summer reading and corresponding assignments, school, doubt, secrets, pens that run out of ink just when you need to use them

  5. keep: Amazing friends, random IM conversations, that little Korean girl who makes funny faces at me each morning so I will laugh, dark but not depressing books before bed, Calvin and Hobbes, leaves against a background of blue skies, Taylor Swift, Lifehouse, Oldies music, distressed cut-off shorts, tea sets, pretty libraries, Kit Kats, ice skating, piano keys that are cool to the touch in summer, people....

    Things I would be happier without: yelling, being confused, not knowing if other people know stuff about you that you don't, 115 degree weather, school, pencils that break easily, being interrupted at the good part of a book, soy milk that goes bad just as you really need a glass, people..

  6. things I can't stand:
    -Ug i hate strapless bras too (no support bah)
    -ants on my car (live near a lot of trees so they fall on my car)
    -Stupid stupid people who drive on the side walk..i'm not even joking about that
    -People who won't back up in line and stand to close

    Things I really love:
    -friends who laugh or take my calls when i have a weird experience
    - dancing in random food markets with the beau
    -living in the south
    -having sweet tea
    -having a nice bed to sleep on and waking up with sun shining in my face
    -caramel candies
    -getting letters and postcards in the mail

  7. Holy moly! Somebody needs to adopt better sunscreen habits. The eukaryotic genome and UV rays are not amigos.

  8. i need you to give meeeee a haircut.
