Saturday, August 1, 2009

Read in July

1. Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties, by Rainer Maria Rilke, ed. by John Mood

Rilke's ideas engaged me, but I thought this volume was oddly edited. Also, the translator sacrifices a LOT translating the poetry to make it rhyme in English [it does in German]. Kind of horrifies me when they do that. So I don't recommend this volume so much, but Rilke, yes.

2. Othello, by William Shakespeare

Dang, talk about tragic. It was hard to watch this plot happen, but it definitely sucked me in.

3. Undercover, by Beth Kephart

I read this book at night, and I would hang out with Elisa. I thought the plot was on the weak side, though it works for me that the book isn't strictly about high school or family or romance. What made me like this book is that I like Elisa and I liked being in her head, sensitive and smart and a little muddled with being-found poetry.

4. A Year of Mornings: 3191 Miles Apart, by Maria Vettese and Stephanie Barnes

Oh gosh, loveliest photo book ever. One delicate slice of each of the photographers' 730 mornings. Read it read it read it. I was so inspired.

5. Strong, Smart, and Bold: Empowering Girls for Life, by Carla Fine

Hmm, interesting in parts, but probably not to many non-parents.

6. Janes in Love, by Cecil Castellucci and Jim Rugg

YA graphic novel. I remember liking the first one, The Plain Janes, so it surprised me that this one didn't really do anything for me.


  1. Revising Othello at the moment in order to create a teaching plan for it... amazing how well it can translate to modern day experience.

  2. A Year of Mornings...utterly enchanting, deeply engrossing.

  3. Yeah... I definitely enjoyed The Plain Janes more than Janes In Love. I guess it was because I didn't like the ending of Janes in Love -- it was sort of boring.
