Thursday, November 19, 2009

Perth part six

We go to Mam's uni(versity) for two exams she has. One of them is oral and in Italian, so I get to hear it. :)

Being on their campus made me realize that I really do miss college. I mean, I'm in college now,'s community college, and I take all my classes online. I still get to do awesome reading, but I've never set foot on this community college's campus and will never stop in at a professor's for office hours there.

It'll be good to be back at [old college], windchill and all.

The Swan River is everywhere you go, as far as I can tell. Or something like that.

We sprang Manda's very cool little sister from school. Had pizza and gelato in Fremantle, wandered the streets a bit, inspected the prison as much as we were permitted to do without paying an entrance fee.

We stopped briefly by the Den of Mustache, where, of course, we had to take some pictures in front of the webcam...and Mam caught me in front of the Wall of Mustache. With Fred the Brontosaurus, of profile picture fame.

THEN, we stopped by Mam's nonna's house. Yes, that is correct, a real live Italian-Australian grandmother. We had tea and biscuits and cake, and played at the playground in the wind a little bit. It was the best.

I resolve to make pasta with them sometime before I die.

Mam picked three carnations from her nonna's garden before we left.

They are what Amandas eat, you see. The secret ingredient that makes them Amandas, if you will.

Back to Emma the Great at the end of the day for my last night in Perth.


  1. oh, you and your dinosaurs.. too cute!

  2. Great pictures... sounds like you're having a lot of fun!
