Saturday, January 23, 2010

Illinois fog

This kind of sky is what I'm used to in my home neighborhood — white, shadeless, giving no clue to time of day.

It has been wet and mild lately. Whenever the snow begins to melt, I am surprised to see that the grass underneath was green all along. How?

I holed up in the public library this afternoon with my computer and textbooks. I meant to just blaze through my psychology reading, but I got distracted with these pictures that I took on my way there. My new camera is proving to be a good friend indeed.


  1. wow that tree is gorgeous! and I'm loving your headphones...

  2. I'm so glad you like your camera. :)

  3. That is a typical Auckland sky, although sadly we never have any snow.

  4. brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant. your photos are brilliant.

  5. i think we're to blame, c. you brought the fog from ca, and i brought it from london. fact: it was not foggy here before the 7th. fact: we both flew in that weekend. guilty as charged.

    adore the sky puddle.

  6. Favorite: reflection puddle. Other favorite: looking up at the tree.

  7. pinkapplecore - Yes, you will probably be seeing a lot of those...haha.

    Q - Yeah, I owe you for that rec. :)

    Poppy - Indeed? Typical for any time of year?

    minteva - Thank you.

    Erin - Thank you, myrin.

    Noel - That makes tremendous sense.

    Georgie - Thank you. I'd seen so many looking-up-the-trunk shots that captivated me; I had to try.

  8. The past picture reminds me Ent for LOTR

  9. phampants - If only it had one of those kitschy tree faces people buy and stick on them.
