Friday, July 9, 2010

Some hands and faces

Would you find it irresponsible of me to post pictures from my first roll on my new camera instead of continuing to respond to (below) drama? Truly, I just want to let my thoughts steep and settle a bit.

Anyhoo. Pictures from the Zenit. Enjoy. I haven't gotten the batteries for the light meter yet, so I was guessing on the exposure for these.


  1. Isn't having depth of field wonderful? I am really looking forward to more.

  2. typewriter heather - oh my gosh, it really is. thank you! :) i myself am quite excited for future rolls!

  3. I loovve the cupcakes. They look scrumptious.

    Well taken.

  4. Thank you, Julia! The cupcakes were a remake of these from last June. They turned out much better, as you can see. Haha.

  5. Lovely. And black and whites, too!

  6. woooo!!! Hi Mr. Fishy (he was my very first embroidery!)

  7. Beautiful! I love the 'summer sundae' CD :)

  8. Beth - Naw, that was the computer, haha. That one was really overexposed and when I brought it down in editing it got very red. Which I wasn't a fan of.

    pinkapplecore - I was wondering if you made that!!! How? I'm so curious, my mom too.

    Maya - Thanks! pinkapplecore made that mix CD for me and it's been my driving-to-school music lately.

  9. My mom bought an embroidery machine, I have to change out the thread each time but It makes the whole process so much easier!! :D

  10. cool...I like the row of fruit a lot.

  11. why are you so talented? hmm?

  12. Jenica - Yes, I thought they were quite picturesque. Yay summer.

    Erin - Because oooonce upon a time I joined a certain little message board which got me addicted to the internet, a world where there are a lot of freaking great photographers who inspired me, and some really encouraging friends who are aspiring alongside me to create wonderful things. Who I also wouldn't have met without Certain Little Message Board.
