Saturday, August 21, 2010

Featured artist: India Bowen

[picture of India courtesy her sister]

this month, I'm pleased to bring you an interview with India Bowen, a.k.a. Kid Curry. I asked her because I really admire and have been influenced by her style. she has a simple, captivating way of framing the world; looking at her pictures makes me feel like I am seeing an honest, but somehow alchemical and still slightly mysterious documentation of her life.

before you read further—I've assembled some of my very favorites of India's pictures for you. have a look, hm?

who are you?
I'm a 14 year old girl who quite likes vintage things and taking pictures.

why do you take pictures?
I love to. I love those pictures that capture memories, or that capture the perfect feeling, like warm summer air or a cold foggy morning, its wondrous

what are your tools of choice?
My Petri 7 film camera with Fuji film is what i use most of the time; I love it. But also I use an Olympus e-410 digital camera; it's really great too, but I do prefer film over digital—it has such a lovely feeling to it

what is the best piece of creative advice you've received from someone?
Well, I don't think i could really pinpoint the best creative advice I've ever received, but my sister always gives advice and helps me when we go and take pictures. She'll show me something or she'll just lay down or climb somewhere and have me take pictures; she helps me quite a bit. ^_^

what would you tell someone who wants to improve their photography?
Well, I think that it's true that the more you take pictures the better you get. When I started taking pictures I was not very good at all, but the more I started taking pictures the better I got.

Also, I personally love film so I would also suggest for them to try film. Some people love film and some don't, but I think everyone should try it and see. For some people film is just better. I like it better and am usually more happy with the outcome. And I think that looking through flickr to get inspiration can most definitely help to get good ideas and be more motivated.

why do you prefer film?
It's hard to say, but film seems to have so much more feeling than digital, it's more honest

what has helped you develop your style/perspective?
Well, definitely my sister has, but also I think just the more I started taking photos the more I developed a style. Also, looking through flickr, seeing other people's photos has helped.

thank you, India! you can see India's work at her flickr photostream.


  1. I want a way for you to finish, peacefully. You know yourself so well. Trust your inclinations.

  2. Wow, some of her pictures are amazing. I really love the lighting in all of them.

  3. Beth - Re: college? Thank you. Thanks a lot.

    Priya - Right? I'm glad you enjoyed them too.

  4. This is amazing I love discovery new photographers.

  5. Some Girl - Flickr users are endlessly inspiring for me.
