Sunday, September 26, 2010


Fat Dinosty. body positivity + dinosaurs. so sweet and cheering.

"Beauty School for Lazy Hippies." e.g. me!

I just learned what zorbing is and it may warrant a spot on my bucket list.

a sociological perspective on Farmville. ACE.

"If You Think Quitting Booze Freaks People Out, Wait ‘Til You Quit Twitter." loved his observations, and heartily second them.
"Like a Japanese tourist compulsively photographing everything he sees, it was almost as if something didn’t really happen unless it was captured in 140 characters and shared with the world."

"How to Avert Cabin Fever This Winter."

Svalbard in photos. (it's an island at the top of Norway.) incredibly beautiful in that barren deep-north way.

"A Fool's Attempt to Describe Burning Man." linked by a veteran burner, so I trust it as accurate. I don't know if I'll ever want to go badly enough to do it, but I am fascinated by what I hear of it.

"Why I've 'Let Myself Go,'" by a former figure competitor. (figure competition is similar to female bodybuilding.)

An introduction to scanning for analogue-lovers.

mnmlist's "Addition by Subtraction," which jumps off from some very apt observations:
"We want to lose weight, we buy weight loss books, workout equipment, diet pills, nutritional supplements, a fitness program. We sign up for the gym or a class or a trainer.
"We want to travel, we buy a suitcase, a travel pillow, the perfect carry-on luggage, maybe even special clothes or equipment for traveling..."

An oldie but such a goodie, from the ever-lovely Sui Solitaire: "This is me. The cellulite on my thighs, the stretchmarks on my hips."

An important reminder for anyone trying to make any kind of positive change in their life.

A liveblog all the way through the September edition of Vogue. O social commentary, o intelligent snark, how I love thee.


  1. I have zorbed - in the home of Zorbing, Rotorua - and it is every bit as crazy as it looks. Come to NZ and I will drive you there!

  2. Scribbles - whaaa! :D and fun? it's fun?

    but hey the important reminder linked back to the vogue liveblog. is it sposed to? cuz i'd hate to be missing that crucial reminder for when i'm trying to positively change my life...unless the reminder is the vogue liveblog...OMG NVM IT ALL MAKES SENSE!

  4. erin - hahah, you are funny. but thank you! for telling me. have fixed it now.

  5. thank you for the link love! ♥

    I want to go to burning man sometime!

    and "why I've let myself go" is .. beautiful. so beautiful.

  6. sui - you're very welcome! I knew I had to link that post (yours) when I read it in August.

  7. It's totally fun. If you do a wet zorb (they put water in the zorb and you aren't strapped in so you just slip around) it's like being a sock in a washing machine!

  8. Scribbles - ahaha, oh my gosh. what an invention.
