Friday, October 1, 2010


(to questions submitted via The Box. if you find a question interesting, drop me a comment with your own answer. I'd enjoy reading it.)

how do you trust?
how? if you believe it's worth it but it doesn't come easily, I think you have to just muscle past your doubts and pretend to yourself that you do trust whoever it is...act as though you have the feeling of trust and security, until you actually do. this is something I am working on.

What song could you listen to over and over without getting annoyed?
"To the Lighthouse" and "Signs" are the two songs I can (and do) listen to on repeat literally for hours. my trance songs.

Hey, hope I'm not disturbing you but you left a quote in one of your comments before and it really rang true with me. I believe it was "women called beautiful because they threaten no one but themselves" I really wanted to write an opinion article about it for my women's studies class, but I need to know the source of the quote to do so. Could you please let me know where this quote came from? I'd really love to look deeper into the meaning of it. Hope I don't creep you out or anything! ;) Thanks so much!

That was a paraphrase from memory. The exact quote in context:
"I had been willing to accept self-sabotage, but now I refused to sacrifice myself to a society that profited from my pain. I finally understood that my eating disorder symbolized more than personal psychodynamic trauma. Gazing in the mirror at my emaciated body, I observed a woman held up to her culture as the physical ideal because she was starving, self-obsessed and powerless, a woman called beautiful because she threatened no one except herself."
It's from an essay called "The Body Politic," by Abra Fortune Chernik, which I read in an anthology called Listen Up. I would love to hear your thoughts...I think you should email me if you have time. :) [wie.ein.lied at]


  1. I could listen to Vincent by Don Mclean or Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen forever. Also Letters from War by Mark Schultz used to be on that list, although I haven't listened to it at all in awhile.

  2. Jenica - "Vincent" is the only one of those I haven't heard. *goes to look it up*

  3. Well, what do you think? :)
    Ha, that could be an uncomfortable question if you didn't like it. But please tell me! I won't take it personally...

  4. Jenica - quite a pretty melody, but not one of my favorite styles. :) hehe.
