Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ohio, part one

I like kitchens, and I like mornings. Here is both.

Hannah / driving

The smell of flour is one of my absolute favorites.

Pecan pie was our contribution to the Thanksgiving feast.

See, it's cool 'cause that's the plant I'm named after. It's called cuileann in Irish, fyi.

Sometimes I catch my friends off-guard on purpose so that they don't have to make the effort to pretend the camera's not there. Maybe it's rude? But as my friends, I guess I assume they have a higher tolerance for such things by now.

Hydrangeas in winter. Yes. Yes.

Leafblower man / Why is there nothing in focus in this shot? I don't know.

Part two to come when I develop the second roll.


  1. Oh hey, I always wondered what your nom de plume came from.
    I like the candid, a lot.

  2. first picture gives me that happy waking up on a nice clear morning feeling, although what you intended to do with grapes and margarine I can't fathom.
    ah, cuileann... the only name I knew you by for so long... ^-^

  3. Lovely lovely. You're a great photographer.

  4. Jenica - yup...picked it out when I was 17 and it stuck. :) thanks, me too!

    geekspawn - lol, you. and you know, I was going through some old PMs the other was all you and Taiger and LR!

    Beth - and I love having you! as...a tourist? hehe.

    Lena - thank you. I just used a cheap little accessory close-up from my Holga.

    Cassandra - thank you...:) glad you enjoy(/ed).

  5. that had to have been QUITE a while ago, I don't think I've been on for at LEAST a year...
