Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hands set adrift

Artificial shadows are worth putting up with artificial lighting for. Especially on black-and-white, when you're safe from any funny fluorescent or incandescent color casts.


  1. Love love love the second one.


  2. Although the movie written by the man who changed my life was filmed in black and white (To Kill a Mockingbird), and I normally prefer it to color, I'm not feeling that weird black/white vibe here. I think you're on the way to something different.

  3. These are very cool! Black and white film?

  4. Erin, mir, R., Jenica - Thank you; I'm glad you like them too.

    red-handed - Well, it was the Halloween roll.

    Shelley - Oh yes? What is the weird b&w vibe?

    aipingplum - Correct.
