Tuesday, March 8, 2011

It's International Women's Day, and?

And this is what a feminist looks like.
[Welcome to Feminist Coming Out Day.]


  1. Oh, oh, oh, the look on your face is so penetrating.

  2. i love you. i was just thinking today how glad i am to have a friend who thinks about these things too after talking to the boyfriend last night.. our views are so completely opposite and many things he just doesn't *get*, but then i don't think there are many boys that do, are there?
    sorry for the word vomit, i've been thinking not so fun things all day :(

  3. Fantastic.
    And this is what a feminist writes like.

    Also, I adored your snow photos.
    And that poem? Is that yours? If that's yours, I'll have you know that I am floored, lady.

  4. The feminist is beautiful.;)

  5. Erin, Q, minteva, Lexi, Jenica, odessa - Hi, womenfriends. I'm grateful for you and your presence in my life. Just so you know.

    minteva - Oh, I would like to lend you an ear...I'm emailing you.

    Lexi - It is mine! Thank you! That really means a lot to me, coming from you!

  6. Haha! Wow. Awesome.

  7. and I love you even then I don't love feminism.

  8. Best wishes to our sisters in Egypt who got screamed down by a mob the other day when the women were merely trying to celebrate their hopes for equality.

  9. Steph, Elizabeth, Shelley - And you, to you too, thank you for being the women you are in my life...

    Shelley - I hadn't heard this. Yes: I wonder if they could know that we are standing with them? I hope so.
