Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happiness and gratitudes:

• Feeling near to faraway friends when I reread a book that we have shared.

• Walking tall; sitting tall; how good it feels to feel the full measure of one's height.

• Misty days and nights.

• Seeing sisters together.

• One very fresh blueberry bagel.

• How deeply the grass has greened already. All this rain.

• The other four senses.

• My culture theory classmates.

• Seeing my peers take care of one another.

• And keeping these words near the surface of my thoughts.

• Memories of Sydney.

• That my replacement ID cost only $10 instead of $20—because it didn't print perfectly—and that it has a good new picture commemorating a day when I was happy.

• Momentum.


  1. This is a good list. Thank you for sharing! It made me smile, because a lot of that is in my life right now, too. Like the grass and the sisters. Now I'm wishing for a bagel. ;)

  2. I love your happy lists! They make me glad even when they don't exactly resonate.

  3. I was going to point out my favorites, but then I realized they're all brilliant.

  4. holly, i really love that picture! and your list. it made me smile.

    p.s. i also think i want a camera like yours :D

  5. Great verse.

    Btw, do you remember that I had to climb in through the window of the Kilby house every time I wanted to get in the last 2 months of school cuz I was too cheap to buy a new id???

  6. odessa - Are you getting a film SLR??? Let's talk please, I want to hear about this!

    aipingplum - I didn't know the houses needed IDs to get in? And no, I totally did not remember that...too funny and very you.
