Sunday, June 5, 2011

Poem for my fictive sisters

You are with me
when I lower myself from the ladder,
with sodden summer cotton washing along
behind my knees,
watching my own white arms in the green-
brown water
(Strange fruit? No,
strange fish...):

All still with me like on my skin, like in my skin—

I am swimming alone, to nowhere
to the accompaniment of
a thick six o'clock sun
and you as much
as the late light on the water
are with me, are with me


  1. Thank you, Bridey. I am glad.

  2. So entrancing, so lovely.

  3. I love your poetry. "thick six o'clock sun" captivates me.

  4. sui - Thank you so much...:)

    Erin - I always start with only the moment, a list of the moment, and something else to give it body (well, it doesn't always need more to be full, just most of the time) has to come later with that was the later.
