Monday, December 12, 2011

Playing / kiss

These are from October. My sister and her daughter. It never felt weird to say that she was expecting a baby, but thinking that she was going to be a mother did. It still surprises me when I phrase it that way to myself.

I find them fascinating in stills — it makes me notice the way they relate to each other, the faint human electricity that you find between people who are really close to each other. The force of their mutual awareness. In their attention, the opening and closing of space between them, their eyes — and they in particular have spent so long in each other's company, with one of them still mostly wordless...


  1. beautiful pictures! I agree, you can see so much of how much they love each other and the relationship between them through these.

  2. Oh wow. There is definitely an almost magnetic quality to these.

  3. SL - :) I love 'em...

    Fé - I agree.

    Dawn and Jenica - I'm really glad it's visible to you guys, who don't know them, too.

    Olivia - Thank you! That's the one I was most pleased to see.

  4. lovely. these are like film stills.

  5. Lovely pics, lovely post...
