Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I woke up a little before four in the morning with an insanely dry mouth and a story about myself humming through my brain. I sat up and drank some water that tasted weirdly sweet. I thought about writing down what I was thinking, but I felt sure that I would remember it in the morning.

I wish I had. HOWEVER, I haven't forgotten the entire thing; there is still the aftertaste of a first sentence: "I moved thousands of miles away so that it would be easier to ignore the distance between us." And I think I could do something with that.


  1. Oh, isn't that the most frustrating thing in the world?!!? (OK, top 10, at least.)

    I've learned the hard way to always keep a notebook and pencil on my nightstand, and even if I'm totally, totally sure I'll remember, I force myself to turn on the light and write down the idea...because oh, the amazing story ideas and poems that have been lost forever to the night!


  2. I like that sentence too. It seems like you could turn that sentence into a poem or a song. :)

  3. that is a very strong sentence. I like it.

  4. Oh. I stopped at that sentence. It is painfully beautiful.

  5. You could go a lot of places with that sentence. Share with us when you finish!

  6. I always have dreams where I say, Ah this would make a great book. And then of course I don't write them down and they are gone...

  7. You are brilliant and I am completely in love with that sentence. You have no idea.

  8. yes, i think you can go somewhere with that. for sure. it's lovely.

  9. ah, i hate it when inspiration gets lost in my sleep. and yes, the sentence is very lovely, hope it will take you somewhere wonderful.

  10. Yeah it's a rotting apple on my street. I took a picture of it a few days ago when it wasn't so rotted!

  11. Hey!

    Thanks for coming by my blog! You have an interesting name, how do you pronounce it?

    You live in SF? I'm jealous!


  12. Intriguing! That is one well-crafted first sentence.
