Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"Its density and drowned events..."

Today there is wind from across the ocean that seems to blow parts of me away with it.

I am thinking of one of those moments from childhood that you aren't sure whether you imagined or not — a rainy day, I am small and carrying an umbrella, and a strong wind lifts me onto the tips of my toes and — for an instant, off my toes?

I am thinking of pointe class at night, after a long technique class. While the other half of the class danced their exercises in the center, I pushed the window high and ducked my head and shoulders out of the noise of piano and corrections, into the night. I thought that the wind was very exalting, that cold wind through my sweaty fingers as I looked out along Market Street, the city glittering all around.

What are you thinking about the wind?


  1. Oh, this post takes my breath away. I couldn't name a more beautiful one.

  2. oh I can imagine everything. I do enjoy soft breezes.

  3. I think there should be slightly more of it in summer and slightly less of it in winter.

  4. i really love your writing these days! it has a lovely-melancholy-wistful feel to it.

  5. When I think wind, I think cold. :)

  6. My most recent experience with wind was when I was driving to and from Vegas, and I thought it was going to whip my car right off the road. Powerful, that wind is.

  7. I'm thinking... you know the times when it's warm and sunny, but not enough to make the winds or the breeze warm too, and it's blowing all around you? Isn't that absolutely delicious?

  8. Maya - <3

    pinkapplecore - Meee too.

    Q - I heartily agree. Have you taken this issue up with anyone? Because you should.

    Odessa - Thank you, chica. For some reason I find myself posting more journalish things lately...

    Priya - Oh! Well I do hope you get nice sunny springtime breezes up there too...;)

    Ashley - Mensch! That is crazy. I imagine that feels the way that riding a bike in a medium strong wind feels.

    Aditi - Oh, yes! I know just what you are describing. Delicious is the right word.

  9. I am thinking about the chill of it as I stood on the sidewalk in the dark, discussing things far beyond my capacity to understand, but I pretended to anyway.

    p.s. This is absolutely stunning, btw.

  10. I'm thinking the wind should make an appearance sometime today. It is lonely without it.

    And I do love this post.

  11. Cassandra - A very vivid moment. I am always a fan of discussions in the dark.

    Summermoon - I'm sending one across the Pacific. Expect it this afternoon.

  12. I looked at her portfolio. Amazing!
