Thursday, January 14, 2010



To be on time: to class, appointments, trains, etc., and in responding to emails and letters.

To see one new country and one new state.

To submit a poem for publication.

To reread the Bible.

To get the best of being back at college.

To take five hundred pictures that are good enough to save each month.

To open an Etsy store.

To throw away less food.

To rock the boat.


  1. I love this resolution:

    "To see one new country and one new state."

    I should do that too.

  2. phampants - Yes you should. At the rate you're going it sounds like you'd do it anyways.

    Georgie - Yesss that's a bit intimidating but it must be done.

  3. Those are great goals, I hope you meet every one!

    I also agree with phampants, I should do that too. Last year I went to... Oregon, Washington, and Maine all for the first time. Still haven't left the country.

    And if you need any help getting started on Etsy, I can try and give you advice/direct you to people who actually know how to give advice.

  4. yeah definitely need to not skip so much class, I don't skip so much that it effects my grade in any way but some times I just don't want to go and I know I shouldn't do that.

  5. pinkapplecore - Ditto, ditto. (Well I guess I kind of knew that because you wrote to me on some of your hookey days heh.) But it makes me want to go the next day even less...I sort of include better attendance in the first resolution.

  6. Please make England the country ;)
    And open that store soon :o)

  7. Gabi - Heehee. It all depends on whether I get a job this summer. If not, I'm thinking it'll be Canada or Mexico. Hah. I do think I will be opening that store soon. Just need a weekend to figure it out maybe.

  8. The top four I should (and want to) really really do, too.

  9. Erin - Banish the shoulds! You would like to do those things....proceed accordingly.

  10. "To see one new country and one new state."

    South Korea? Or better yet...North Korea??? Just don't sneak in illegally like Robert Park, or we may never see you (or your beautiful pictures) again...(btw did u hear he's back??)

  11. Stephanie - Here's the thing: I don't think I would LIKE South Korea that much. Yeah, I did hear he's back, with some statement-of-sketchy-legitimacy about how there's freedom of religion in DPRK. Aiya. I was so flabbergasted when I heard how he went in...
