Getting back in the habit of going to the gym. So good to use one's muscles and really feel the lungs working. Also, dance classes which kick my butt.
Having a tripod.
Springtime. Crocuses and snowdrops and going barefoot. The miracle of flowers pushing up through the dry cracked earth, no matter how over-photographed they are.
Catching up on sleep.
Lots and lots of books of poetry from the library.
God's Silence, by Franz Wright. It makes my heart sing.
Plans for picnics and fort-making.
Zen Habits and :mnmlist.
The prospect of a dorm room all to myself next year! It's in the dorm in the center of campus, where I am now, so only about two minutes to class and the dining hall (such a relief in the dead of winter or when you oversleep!). It's on the top floor, with a dormer window, and it's WEST-FACING which means it gets the best most gorgeous afternoon light! Ah!
Peaceful dreams to counteract a sad night.
My invention of American fairy bread i.e. fairy bread, except made with peanut butter instead of butter.
A certain pregnant lady.
Bridget Jones.
Significant scheming and dreaming in regards to future content and direction for Eating a Tangerine.
Sweet potato fries.
Worshipping barefoot.
Calling myself an artist.
Email correspondents.
You, my wonderful fellow bloggers, my commenters, my quiet readers.