So I was driving with my friend, and talking about how I wanted to make another batch of cupcakes when she said I should make up a cupcake and name it after her (her surname is, believe it or not, Musick). So she told me some of her favorite flavors, and I did just that.
May I present - vanilla chocolate chip with peanut butter cinnamon frosting, ordinary in appearance but lovely to the taste buds - the musickal cupcake!
The recipe:
I used Amy Sedaris's recipe, adding maybe 3/4 C chocolate chips to a 1/3 batch. For the frosting, I basically just mixed creamy peanut butter, confectioner's sugar, milk, butter, and cinnamon together until it was a smooth, spreadable consistency and tasted like something I'd want on top of a cupcake.
The verdict:
I thought it was good, but it got higher praise than any of the other cupakes I've made here at school, including several "orgasmics" and one "a piece of heaven." And they were gone within fifteen minutes. So there. :)
What I'd do differently next time:
Nothing! Huzzah!
P.S. I've made three kinds of cupcakes between this cupcake post and the last, but now that I don't have a camera I'm prone to forget the photographic documentation part. The Lost Cupcakes are: peanut butter chocolate chip cupcakes, raspberry-peanut butter cupcakes with white chocolate ganache, and raspberry-chocolate cupcakes with mocha frosting.