My boo in her new school uniform
Late afternoon light
IMing with my transcendentalist feminist Bostonian suitemate
Getting back my first roll of film from my Diana F+!
Hint water. You know how restaurant water tastes like lemon when it's had lemon slices in it? It's like that, except bottled and with cooler fruits, like tangerine and kiwi and raspberry. It doesn't have any added sugar or scary fake flavoring. Water, just with an extra delicious tang. Mmm.
Writing letters in bed before I fall asleep
My course load: Intro to Women's Studies, Families & Intimate Relationships (sociology thereof), Website Development, and Cultural Anthropology. No more time wasted on subjects I don't care about. This is how college is supposed to be!
Summermoon pointing out to me that I am basically a homeschooler.
Post-Author Syndrome [you, Shan-fans who've met Shannon, you know what I'm talking about]. Equal parts awe and gratitude, with a little regret for the things you forgot to say.
Getting to check in patients and make appointments for them at work sometimes now. I'm kind of awkward with "customer" interactions, but it's a nice break from data entry. And it's cool to put faces to the names I've become so familiar with.
Pulling off the freeway to take pictures instead of staying stuck in traffic.