I love my classes. I attend lectures and read my textbooks and listen to music and drink tea with my friends and that's all I need. Really. I'm rooming with two sophomores who I do not relate to at
all, but my days are so full of things that I love and find important, I don't mind in the slightest.
My classes are:
- Political Philosophy
- Old Testament in Three Traditions (that's Judaism, Christianity, and Islam)
- Cross-Cultural Psychology
- The City in Cultural Perspectives
- Intermediate Modern Dance
And halfway through the semester I'll be swapping the psych class out for sociolinguistics. My, but I love my major.
Also, I don't believe I've mentioned that I've decided to do a gender studies certificate in addition to the anthropology major. Cue intellectual swoon.
I've been taking pictures with my cell phone in the absence of a digicam. See above for a taste of my new habitat.
HOWEVER I am no longer camera-less. I bid for a while on a Nikon D30x which eventually got out of my price range. (When I said that I couldn't afford a replacement camera, I meant I couldn't afford to make the jump up to one of the low-end DSLRs that I hoped would be my next camera...I was blogging in the heat of the moment; please forgive my imprecision.)
But I came to the realization that another point-and-shoot would still be miles better than no camera at all, and bought a refurbished Elph that
Q recommended to me. Twelve megapixels for a mere $160. It came in the mail today and I am looking forward to some good bonding time with it.
What's been happening in your life?